User-Provided Source Terms

HallThruster allows users to provide additional source terms if they want. We make use of this function internally when we perform order verification studies (see Verification, as well as our order verification tests in /tests/order_verification.jl). This may also be useful when implementing additional physics. Users may provide seperate source terms for each of the solved equations. The corresponding fields in the Config struct are

  • source_neutrals
  • source_potential
  • source_electron_energy
  • source_ion_continuity
  • source_ion_momentum

The first three act similarly. HallThruster expects a function which takes (U, params, i) as an argument, where U is the state matrix, params is the NamedTuple of paramters, and i is the cell index. The source term should then return a scalar, which is added to the right-hand side of the corresponding equation.

As we allow for multiple ion charge states, source_ion_continuity and source_ion_momentum should be of type Tuple or Vector and contain one function for each charge state, with the same expected signature and return type as above.

Concrete vs abstract types

For performance, it is important that Julia is able to infer the return type of your source term. Therefore, you must ensure that the values passed to source_ion_continuity and source_ion_momentum are concretely-typed. For example, this would not be ideal:

source_ion_momentum = [
    (U, params, i) -> 2.0,
    (U, params, i) -> 3.0,
    (U, params, i) -> -1

because the type of this term is not concrete:

julia> typeof(source_ion_momentum)
Vector{Function} (alias for Array{Function, 1})

julia> isconcretetype(ans)

Better would be to implement a callable type, as shown below:

struct MySource

(s::MySource)(U, params, i) = s.number

source_ion_momentum_concrete = [

This has identical behavior to the first example, but is a concrete type:

julia> typeof(source_ion_momentum_concrete)
Vector{MySource} (alias for Array{MySource, 1})

julia> isconcretetype(ans)