
HallThruster implements several common Hall thruster propellants, and makes it easy to implement your own.


HallThruster only supports monatomic gases at this time. Support for diatomic propellants, such as iodine, may come in a future release.

Provided propellants

  • Xenon
  • Krypton
  • Argon
  • Bismuth
  • Mercury

Implementing your own propellant

Propellants in HallThruster are instances of the Gas struct, which contains information about the atomic and thermodynamic properties of a gaseous species. These are

  • name::String Full name of gas (i.e. Xenon)
  • short_name::String Short name/symbol (i.e. Xe for Xenon)
  • γ::Float64 Specific heat ratio / adiabatic index
  • M::Float64 Molar mass (grams/mol) or atomic mass units
  • m::Float64 Mass of atom in kg
  • cp::Float64 Specific heat at constant pressure in J / kg / K
  • cv::Float64 Specific heat at constant volume in J / kg / K
  • R::Float64 Gas constant in J / kg / K

Many of these properties are inter-dependent, so HallThruster provides a convenience constructor Gas(name, short_name, γ, M) which will compute the rest of the properties automatically. For example, we might want to define atomic Neon:

using HallThruster: Gas

Neon = HallThruster.Gas("Neon", "Ne"; γ = 5/3, M = 20.1797)

# output


If we then selected Neon as a propellant in our Config struct and used one of the lookup table models for ionization, HallThruster.jl would know to search for files beginning ionization_Ne.... The same is true for excitation reactions (excitation_Ne...) and elastic collisions (elastic_Ne...). In addition to the reactions path in the HallThruster.jl directory, the user can specify other paths in which rate coefficient files can be found using the reaction_rate_directories option in the Config struct. These directories will be checked, in order, before the HallThruster.jl directory is checked. For example, if we passed `reactionratedirectories = ["reactions", "morereactions"], the code will first look in "reactions", then in "morereactions", before finally checking "HallThruster.jl/reactions". An error will be emitted if the reaction rate files cannot be found.