
HallThruster.jl provides sensible defaults for simulation initialization, or allows you to specify your own initial condition.


The default is DefaultInitialization(), which initializes the solution domain as described in the following sections. Below, $z_0$ and $z_N$ are domain[1] and domain[2], as passed into the Config object (see Configuration), $L_{ch}$ and $A_{ch}$ are config.thruster.geometry.channel_length and config.thruster.geometry.channel_area, respectively, and $\dot{m}$ is config.anode_mass_flow_rate.

The DefaultInitialization has parameters max_electron_temperature, min_ion_density, and max_ion_density, which can be used to scale the default initialized. These default to config.discharge_voltage/10, 2e17, and 1e18, respectively.

Ion densities

The ion densities are Gaussian with a constant offset and a scaling factor proportional to the mass flow rate and discharge voltage. For ions with charge 1, the density is

\[\rho_{i} = \rho_min m_i \sqrt{\frac{V_d}{300}}\frac{\dot{m}}{5\times10^{-6}}\left(1 + \frac{\rho_max}{\rho_min} \exp\left[-\left(\frac{z - z_0 - L_{ch}/2}{L_{ch}/3}\right)^2\right]\right)\]

For ions with charge Z, the density is assumed to scale as

\[\rho_i|_Z = \frac{\rho_i |_{Z=1}}{Z^2}\]

Ion velocities

Ions are initialized with the Bohm velocity at the anode. For an ion of charge $Z$, this is

\[u_i[1] = -u_{bohm} =- \sqrt{\frac{Z \;e\;T_{eV, anode}}{m_i}}\]

The maximum ion velocity is determined by the discharge voltage $V_d$:

\[u_i[\mathrm{end}] = u_{max} = \sqrt{\frac{2 \;Z \;e \; V_d}{m_i}}\]

The initial ion velocity profile between the cathode and the anode is then prescribed as:

\[u_i(z) = \begin{cases} u_{bohm} + \frac{2}{3}(u_{max} - u_{bohm})\left(\frac{z - z_0}{L_{ch}}\right)^2 & z-z_0 < L_{ch} \\ \frac{1}{3}\left(u_{bohm} + u_{max}\right)\left(1 - \frac{z - z_0 - L_{ch}}{z_N - L_{ch}}\right) + u_{max}\left(\frac{z - z_0 - L_{ch}}{z_N - L_{ch}}\right) & z - z_0 \ge L_{ch} \end{cases}\]

Neutral density

The neutral density at the anode is computed in the same way as during a simulation, namely:

\[\rho_{n, anode} = \frac{\dot{m}}{u_n A_{ch}} - \sum_s \frac{[\rho_{is} u_{is}]_{anode}}{u_n}\]

The density at the cathode is assumed to be 1/100 that at the anode. In the domain, the neutral density has a sigmoid shape:

\[\rho_n(z) = \frac{1}{2}\left(\rho_{n,anode} + \rho_{n, cathode} + (\rho_{n, anode} - \rho_{n, cathode})\tanh\left(\frac{z - z_0 - L_{ch}/2}{L_{ch} / 6}\right)\right)\]

Electron energy

The number density is computed from the ion densities. The electron temperature is a Gaussian with height $V_d / 10$ eV plus a linear baseline to make sure the boundary conditions are satisfied:

\[T_e(z) = \left(1 - \frac{z - z_0}{z_N - z_0}\right) T_{e, anode} + \left(\frac{z - z_0}{z_N - z_0}\right) T_{e, cathode} + T_{e,max}\exp\left[-\left(\frac{z - z_0 - L_{ch}}{L_{ch}/3}\right)^2\right]\]


For a simulation of the SPT-100 with $V_d$= 500V, three ion charge states, a a mass flow rate of 3 mg/s, an anode electron temperature of 3 eV and a cathode electron temperature of 5 eV, the initial condition looks like:

Custom initial conditions

You may define your own initial condition by creating subtypes of HallThruster.InitialCondition. Let's say for some reason we wanted to initialize every state variable in every cell to the z-location of its cell center. We might define our initialization as follows:

using HallThruster

struct MyInitialCondition <: HallThruster.InitialCondition end;

# output

We would then add a method to the initialize!(U, params, model) function as follows:

import HallThruster.initialize!

function HallThruster.initialize!(U, params, model::MyInitialCondition)
	(;z_cell) = params # Pull cell centers locations out of params
    nvars = size(U, 1)
    for (i, z) in enumerate(z_cell)
       	for j in 1:nvars
           	U[j, i] = z_cell[i]
    return U # optional. Since U is modified. the return value is never used, but by Julia convention we also return the mutated object.

# output

We can check the behavior of our new function:

# Dummy config and params
ncells = 100
nvars = 4
config = (;initial_condition = MyInitialCondition())
z_cell = range(0, 0.05, length = ncells)
U = zeros(nvars, ncells)
params = (;config, z_cell)

# Method of initialize! which dispatches to initialize!(U, params, config.initial_condition)
# This is what HallThruster.jl calls when initializing a simulation
HallThruster.initialize!(U, params)

U[1, :] == U[2, :] == U[3, :] == U[4, :] == collect(z_cell)

# output
