Grid generation

HallThruster.jl supports both regular and irregular grids. Grids are passed to the run_simulation function via the grid keyword argument.

To create an evenly-spaced grid with ncells cells, we construct an EvenGrid object

grid = EvenGrid(ncells)

Alternatively, we could produce an irregular grid using the UnevenGrid object. By default, this type of grid includes twice as many cells inside the discharge channel as outside, with a smooth transition between the high-density and low-density regions.

If our domain is (0 cm, 8 cm) and the thruster channel length is 2.5 cm, these options produce the following grids.

We can also specify a custom density function. Suppose we wanted high density in the middle of our domain. Our density function might look like

function my_density(z, z0, z1, L)
    midpoint = (z0 + z1) / 2
    width = midpoint / 2
    base_density = 1
    return base_density + exp(-((z - midpoint) / (width))^2)

my_grid = UnevenGrid(30, my_density)

HallThruster.jl expects a custom density function to take four arguments–-z (the axial location), z0 and z1 (the left and right edges of the domain, respectively, in meters), and L, the channel length. These are automatically populated based on the domain and thruster you pass to the configuration file.

With the density function defined, we can then compare this to our other grids.